TEXT 835
Blade Quest Script By venuslock on 20th January 2023 01:50:18 PM
  1. -- https://www.roblox.com/games/6494523288/Blade-Quest
  2. -- Put this in your autoexe folder
  3. getgenv().BladeQuestAutofarm = {
  4.     Enabled = true;
  5.     Map = "Ghost Town";
  6.     Difficulty = "Hard";
  7.     Hardcore = true;
  8.     FailSafeRejoin = false; -- Will try to go back to lobby if Character is stuck somewhere...
  9.     FailSafeSeconds = 300;
  10.     TweenSpeed = 50; -- Higher = faster
  11.     Offset = Vector3.new(0,5,7); -- Anticheat triggers if you go directly above mob, but you can change the position if you still get hit
  12.     AutoUpgradePlayerSkill = ""; -- "HealthSkill", "SwordSkill", "MagicSkill" or leave empty to turn off
  13.     AutoMerge = true;
  14.     AutoUpgradeSword = false;
  15.     Webhook = ""; -- leave empty to turn off
  16. }
  17. loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SlamminPig/rblxgames/main/Blade%20Quest/BladeQuestLoadstring"))()

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