-- loadfile('Scriptz/sb2 script.lua')() -- loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/noobscripter38493/Swordburst-2/main/script.lua'))() repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded() local teleport_execute = queue_on_teleport or (fluxus and fluxus.queue_on_teleport) or (syn and syn.queue_on_teleport) if teleport_execute then teleport_execute("loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/noobscripter38493/Swordburst-2/main/script.lua'))()") else warn"failed to find execute on teleport function" end local mobs_on_floor = { [540240728] = {}, -- arcadia -- floor 1 [737272595] = {}, -- battle arena floor 1 [566212942] = {}, -- floor 6 helmfrith [542351431] = { -- floor 1 "Frenzy Boar", "Wolf", "Hermit Crab", "Bear", "Ruin Knight", "Draconite", "Ruin Kobold Knight" }, [548231754] = { -- floor 2 "Leaf Beetle", "Leaf Ogre", "Leafray", "Pearl Keeper", "Bushback Tortoise", "Wasp" }, [555980327] = { -- floor 3 "Snowgre", "Angry Snowman", "Icewhal", "Ice Elemental", "Snowhorse", "Ice Walker" }, [572487908] = { -- floor 4 "Wattlechin Crocodile", "Birchman", "Treehorse", "Treeray", "Boneling", "Bamboo Spiderling", "Bamboo Spider", "Dungeon Dweller", "Lion Protector", }, [580239979] = { -- floor 5 "Girdled Lizard", "Angry Cactus", "Desert Vulture", "Sand Scorpion", "Giant Centipede", "Green Patrolman", "Centaurian Defender", "Patrolman Elite", }, [582198062] = { -- floor 7 "Jelly Wisp", "Firefly", "Shroom Back Clam", "Gloom Shroom", "Horned Sailfin Iguana", "Blightmouth", "Snapper" }, [548878321] = { -- floor 8 "Giant Praying Mantis", "Petal Knight", "Leaf Rhino", "Sky Raven", "Wingless Hippogriff", "Forest Wanderer", "Dungeon Crusador" }, [573267292] = { -- floor 9 "Batting Eye", "Lingerer", "Fishrock Spider", "Reptasaurus", "Ent", "Undead Warrior", "Enraged Lingerer", "Undead Berserker" }, [2659143505] = { -- floor 10 "Winged Minion", "Clay Giant", "Wendigo", "Grunt", "Guard Hound", "Minion", "Shady Villager", "Undead Servant", }, [5287433115] = { -- floor 11 "Reaper", "Elite Reaper", "DJ Reaper", "Soul Eater", "Shadow Figure", "Meta Figure", "???????", "Rogue Android", "Command Falcon", "Armageddon Eagle", "Sentry", "Watcher", "Cybold" } } local bosses_on_floor = { [540240728] = {}, -- arcadia -- floor 1 [737272595] = {}, -- battle arena floor 1 [566212942] = {}, -- floor 6 helmfrith [542351431] = { -- floor 1 "Dire Wolf", "Rahjin the Thief King" }, [548231754] = { -- floor 2 "Pearl Guardian", "Gorrock the Grove Protector", "Borik the BeeKeeper" }, [555980327] = { -- floor 3 "Qerach The Forgotten Golem", "Alpha Icewhal", "Ra'thae the Ice King" }, [572487908] = { -- floor 4 "Rotling", "Irath the Lion", }, [580239979] = { -- floor 5 "Fire Scorpion", "Sa'jun the Centurian Chieftain" }, [582198062] = { -- floor 7 "Frogazoid", "Smashroom" }, [548878321] = { -- floor 8 "Hippogriff", "Formaug the Jungle Giant" }, [573267292] = { -- floor 9 "Gargoyle Reaper", "Polyserpant", "Mortis the Flaming Sear" }, [2659143505] = { -- floor 10 "Baal The Tormentor", "Grim the Overseer" }, [5287433115] = { -- floor 11 "Da, the Demeanor", "Ra, the Enlightener", "Ka, the Mischief", "Za, the Eldest", "Duality Reaper", "Saurus, the All-Seeing" } } local Players = game:GetService("Players") local CoreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui") local UserInputS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local TweenS = game:GetService("TweenService") local RunS = game:GetService("RunService") local Rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") getgenv().getupvalue = debug.getupvalue -- not sure if other exploits that aren't synapse have an alias so this is for that i guess getgenv().setupvalue = debug.setupvalue getgenv().getinfo = debug.getinfo local placeid = game.PlaceId local floor_data = require(Rs.Database.Locations) local floor_ids = {} for i, v in next, floor_data.floors do -- probably remove this for i2, v2 in next, v do if i2 == "PlaceId" then floor_ids[i] = v2 end end end local function copy_table(t) local c = {} for i, v in next, t do c[i] = v end return c end local plr = Players.LocalPlayer for _, v in next, getconnections(plr.Idled) do v:Disable() end getgenv().char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait() getgenv().hrp = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") getgenv().humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid") repeat wait() until getrenv()._G.CalculateCombatStyle local settings = { Autofarm = false, Autofarm_Y_Offset = 10, Tween_Speed = 50, Farm_Only_Bosses = false, Boss_Priority = false, MuteSwingSounds = false, Prioritized_Boss = nil, Mob_Priority = false, Prioritized_Mob = nil, KA = false, KA_Range = 20, WalkSpeed = humanoid.WalkSpeed, speed = false, AutoEquip = false, InfSprint = false, InfJump = false, RemoveDeathEffects = false, RemoveDamageNumbers = false, AttackPlayers = false, Animation = getrenv()._G.CalculateCombatStyle(), times = 1, MaxAutofarmDistance = 10000, excludedMobs = {}, } plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(new) char = new hrp = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid") end) local game_module = nil while true do for _, v in next, getnilinstances() do if v.Name == "MainModule" then game_module = v break end end if game_module then break end task.wait(.5) end -- disable M1s when killaura is enabled local setThreadIdentity = (syn and syn.set_thread_identity) or setthreadcontext or (fluxus and fluxus.set_thread_identity) or setidentity setThreadIdentity(2) getgenv().hookfunc = hookfunction for _, v in next, getconnections(UserInputS.InputBegan) do local f = v.Function if not f then continue end local info = getinfo(f) if info.source:find("Services.Input") then local noMouseClick; noMouseClick = hookfunc(f, function(user_input, game_processed, ...) if user_input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then if settings.KA then return end end return noMouseClick(user_input, game_processed, ...) end) break end end setThreadIdentity(7) local lib = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shlexware/Orion/main/source"))() repeat wait() until lib local protected = gethui and gethui() or CoreGui local orion = protected:WaitForChild("Orion") local window = lib:MakeWindow({ Name = "SB2 Script | Made By OneTaPuXd on v3rm", HidePremium = false, SaveConfig = false, ConfigFolder = false }) do local farm_tab = window:MakeTab({ Name = "Farm", Icon = "", PremiumOnly = false }) farm_tab:AddParagraph("Warning", "SB2 Mods are extremely active and autofarm will likely get you banned") local mobs_table = {} local tween_create local function tween(to) local distance = (hrp.Position - to.Position).Magnitude local seconds = distance / settings.Tween_Speed local tween_info = TweenInfo.new(seconds, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear) local cframe = to.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, settings.Autofarm_Y_Offset, 0) tween_create = TweenS:Create(hrp, tween_info, {CFrame = cframe}) local smooth_tween = RunS.RenderStepped:Connect(function() hrp.Velocity = Vector3.zero end) tween_create:Play() tween_create.Completed:Wait() smooth_tween:Disconnect() if not settings.Autofarm then return end local enemy = to.Parent local success, shouldfarm = pcall(function() if enemy.Entity.Health.Value > 0 then return true end end) if success and shouldfarm then return tween(to) end xpcall(function() mobs_table[enemy] = nil end, warn) end local mobs = workspace.Mobs mobs.ChildAdded:Connect(function(mob) mob:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") mobs_table[mob] = mob end) mobs.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(mob) xpcall(function() mobs_table[mob] = nil end, warn) end) for _, v in next, mobs:GetChildren() do coroutine.wrap(function() v:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") mobs_table[v] = v end)() end local function distanceCheck(enemy) local enemy_hrp = enemy:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") local maxdistance = settings.MaxAutofarmDistance local distance = (hrp.Position - enemy_hrp.Position).Magnitude return distance < maxdistance end local function searchForMob(mobName) for _, mob in next, mobs_table do if mob.Name == mobName and distanceCheck(mob) then return mob end end end local function searchForBoss(bossName) for _, boss in next, mobs_table do if boss.Name == bossName and distanceCheck(boss) then return boss end end end local function searchForAnyBoss(bosses) for _, boss in next, mobs_table do for _, bossName in next, bosses do if boss.Name == bossName and distanceCheck(boss) then return boss end end end end farm_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Autofarm (HIGH BAN RISK)", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) settings.Autofarm = bool if not bool then if tween_create then tween_create:Cancel() tween_create = nil end return end while true do local excludedMobs = settings.excludedMobs if not settings.Autofarm then break end task.wait() if settings.Farm_Only_Bosses then local boss = searchForAnyBoss(bosses_on_floor[placeid]) local boss_hrp = boss and boss:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if boss_hrp then local success = pcall(function() if boss.Entity.Health.Value <= 0 then error() end end) if not success then continue end tween(boss_hrp) end continue end if settings.Boss_Priority and settings.Prioritized_Boss ~= nil then local boss = searchForBoss(settings.Prioritized_Boss) if boss then local success = pcall(function() if boss.Entity.Health.Value <= 0 then error() end end) if not success then continue end local boss_hrp = boss:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if boss_hrp then tween(boss_hrp) continue end end end if settings.Mob_Priority and settings.Prioritized_Mob ~= nil then local mob = searchForMob(settings.Prioritized_Mob) if mob and not excludedMobs[mob.Name] then local success = pcall(function() if mob.Entity.Health.Value <= 0 then error() end end) if not success then continue end local mob_hrp = mob:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if mob_hrp then tween(mob_hrp) continue end end end local mob_hrp for _, mob in next, mobs_table do if not excludedMobs[mob.Name] then mob_hrp = distanceCheck(mob) and mob:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if mob_hrp then break end end end if mob_hrp then tween(mob_hrp) end end end }) farm_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Farm Only Bosses", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) settings.Farm_Only_Bosses = bool end }) farm_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Boss Priority", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) settings.Boss_Priority = bool end }) farm_tab:AddDropdown({ Name = "Prioritized Boss", Default = nil, Options = bosses_on_floor[placeid], Callback = function(boss) settings.Prioritized_Boss = boss end }) farm_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Mob Priority", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) settings.Mob_Priority = bool end }) farm_tab:AddDropdown({ Name = "Prioritized Mob", Default = nil, Options = mobs_on_floor[placeid], Callback = function(mob) settings.Prioritized_Mob = mob end }) farm_tab:AddSlider({ Name = "Max Autofarm Radius", Min = 0, Max = 10000, Default = 5000, Color = Color3.new(255, 255, 255), Increment = 100, ValueName = "Studs", Callback = function(v) settings.MaxAutofarmDistance = v end }) farm_tab:AddSlider({ Name = "Autofarm Y Offset", Min = 0, Max = 30, Default = 10, Color = Color3.new(255, 255, 255), Increment = 1, ValueName = "Y Offset", Callback = function(v) settings.Autofarm_Y_Offset = v end }) farm_tab:AddSlider({ Name = "Tween Speed", Min = 0, Max = 100, Default = 50, Color = Color3.new(255, 255, 255), Increment = 1, ValueName = "Speed", Callback = function(v) settings.Tween_Speed = v end }) local range = Instance.new("Part") range.Size = Vector3.new(25, 25, 25) range.CanCollide = false range.Transparency = 1 RunS.RenderStepped:Connect(function() range.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetPivot() end) range.Parent = workspace local combat = require(game_module.Services.Combat) local remote_key = getupvalue(combat.Init, 2) local Event = Rs.Event local attacking = {} local function killaura_function(enemy, player) while true do local i = table.find(attacking, enemy) local success = pcall(function() if enemy.Entity.Health.Value <= 0 then error() end end) local enemy_hrp = enemy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if not enemy_hrp or not success or not settings.KA or enemy:FindFirstChild("Immortal") or (hrp.Position - enemy_hrp.Position).Magnitude > settings.KA_Range then table.remove(attacking, i) break end if player and not settings.AttackPlayers then table.remove(attacking, i) break end Event:FireServer("Combat", remote_key, {"Attack", nil, "1", enemy}) -- nil = skill (i think) task.wait(.3) end end local combat_style local animations for _, v in next, getgc(true) do if typeof(v) == "table" then local Initanis = rawget(v, "InitAnimations") if Initanis then local o = copy_table(v) setrawmetatable(v, { __index = o, __newindex = function(self, i2, v2) rawset(o, i2, v2) if i2 == "animations" then animations = v2 end end }) animations = o.animations table.clear(v) end local calculate = rawget(v, "CalculateCombatStyle") if calculate then combat_style = calculate end end if combat_style and animations then break end end coroutine.wrap(function() while true do if #attacking == 0 then task.wait(.1) continue end local animation_style = animations[combat_style()] for _, v in next, animation_style do if v.Name:find("Swing") then local length = v.Length v:AdjustSpeed(1 / length) v:Play() task.wait(.5) end end end end)() range.Touched:Connect(function(touching) if not settings.KA or touching.Parent == char or touching.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then return end local enemy = touching.Parent if not table.find(attacking, enemy) then local mob = table.find(mobs_on_floor[placeid], enemy.Name) local boss = table.find(bosses_on_floor[placeid], enemy.Name) local chest = enemy.Name:match("Chest") if mob or boss or chest then table.insert(attacking, enemy) killaura_function(enemy) elseif settings.AttackPlayers then table.insert(attacking, enemy) killaura_function(enemy, true) end end end) farm_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Kill Aura", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) settings.KA = bool attacking = {} -- to overwrite attacking table when toggled off end }) farm_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Attack Players", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) settings.AttackPlayers = bool end }) farm_tab:AddSlider({ Name = "Kill Aura Range", Min = 0, Max = 25, Default = 20, Color = Color3.new(255, 255, 255), Increment = 1, ValueName = "Range", Callback = function(v) settings.KA_Range = v end }) local function getkabutton() for _, v in next, orion:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA("TextLabel") and v.Text == "Kill Aura" then local o = v.Parent:FindFirstChild("TextButton") if o then return o end lib:MakeNotification({ Name = "KA Keybind Error", Content = "Failed to find button", Image = "", Time = 5 }) end end end local ka_button = getkabutton() farm_tab:AddBind({ Name = "Kill Aura Keybind", Default = Enum.KeyCode.R, Hold = false, Callback = function() if ka_button then firesignal(ka_button.MouseButton1Down) firesignal(ka_button.MouseButton1Up) else ka_button = getkabutton() if not ka_button then return end firesignal(ka_button.MouseButton1Down) firesignal(ka_button.MouseButton1Up) end end }) end do local farm_tab2 = window:MakeTab({ Name = "Farm Tab (util)", Icon = "", PremiumOnly = false }) local getStats local getUpgrade local function getRarity(item) local rarity = item:FindFirstChild("Rarity") return rarity and rarity.Value end for _, v in next, getgc() do if typeof(v) == "function" then local info = getinfo(v) if info.name == "getStats" then getStats = v end if info.name == "getUpgrade" then getUpgrade = v end end end local data = Rs.Database.Items --[[ formulas non legends: math.floor(base + (base * 0.04 * upgrade_count)) legends: math.floor(base + (base * 0.05 * upgrade_count)) ]] local ui_module = game_module.Services.UI local dismantler_module = require(ui_module.Dismantle) local inv_utility = getupvalue(dismantler_module.Init, 4) local profiles = Rs.Profiles local highest_damage = 0 local highest_defense = 0 local inventory = profiles[plr.Name].Inventory local rf = Rs.Function local event = Rs.Event local rates = setmetatable({Legendary = .05}, {__index = function() return .04 end}) local function AutoEquip() if not settings.AutoEquip then return end task.wait(1) local highest_weapon local highest_armor for _, item in next, inventory:GetChildren() do local itemdata = inv_utility.GetItemData(item) local class = itemdata.Type if class ~= "Weapon" and class ~= "Clothing" then continue end for _, v2 in next, data:GetChildren() do if v2.Name == item.Name then local stats = getStats(v2) local base for _, v3 in next, stats do if v3[1] == "Damage" or v3[1] == "Defense" then base = tonumber(v3[2]) break end end local upgrades = getUpgrade(item) local rarity = getRarity(v2) local stat = math.floor(base + (base * rates[rarity] * upgrades)) if class == "Weapon" then if stat > highest_damage then highest_damage = stat highest_weapon = item end elseif class == "Clothing" then if stat > highest_defense then highest_defense = stat highest_armor = item end end end end end highest_damage = 0 highest_defense = 0 if highest_weapon then rf:InvokeServer("Equipment", {"EquipWeapon", highest_weapon, "Right"}) end if highest_armor then rf:InvokeServer("Equipment", {"Wear", highest_armor}) end end inventory.ChildAdded:Connect(AutoEquip) farm_tab2:AddToggle({ Name = "Auto Equip Best Weapon/Armor", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) settings.AutoEquip = bool AutoEquip() end }) local dismantle = {} local function AutoDismantle() local shouldDismantle = false for _, v in next, dismantle do if v then shouldDismantle = true break end end if not shouldDismantle then return end task.wait(1) for _, item in next, inventory:GetChildren() do local itemdata = inv_utility.GetItemData(item) local class = itemdata.Type if class ~= "Weapon" and class ~= "Clothing" then continue end for _, v2 in next, data:GetChildren() do if v2.Name == item.Name then local rarity = getRarity(v2) if dismantle[rarity] then event:FireServer("Equipment", {"Dismantle", item}) end end end end end local rarities = {"Common", "Uncommon", "Rare", "Legendary"} local names = {"Commons", "Uncommons", "Rares", "Legendaries"} for i, v in next, names do farm_tab2:AddToggle({ Name = "Auto Dismantle " .. v, Default = false, Callback = function(bool) local rarity = rarities[i] dismantle[rarity] = bool end }) end inventory.ChildAdded:Connect(AutoDismantle) end do local farm_tab3 = window:MakeTab({ Name = "Mob Exclusion", Icon = "", PremiumOnly = false }) for _, mob_name in next, mobs_on_floor[placeid] do farm_tab3:AddToggle({ Name = mob_name, Default = false, Callback = function(bool) local excludedMobs = settings.excludedMobs excludedMobs[mob_name] = bool end }) end end do local teleports_tab = window:MakeTab({ Name = 'Teleports', Icon = "", PremiumOnly = false }) local function getTouchPart() for _, v in next, workspace:GetDescendants() do if v.Parent.Name == "TeleportSystem" and v.Name == "Part" then return v end end end local function makespecialtpbutton(name, pos) -- floors 3 and 11 teleports_tab:AddButton({ Name = name .. " | may have to press twice", Callback = function() local totouch = getTouchPart() firetouchinterest(hrp, totouch, 0) task.wait(.1) for _ = 1, 100 do hrp.CFrame = pos task.wait() end firetouchinterest(hrp, totouch, 1) end }) end local function makeTPbutton(name, part) teleports_tab:AddButton({ Name = name, Callback = function() firetouchinterest(hrp, part, 0) task.wait(.1) firetouchinterest(hrp, part, 1) end }) end local floor = math.floor local function loop_workspace(entrance, boss, miniboss, shop) for _, v in next, workspace:GetChildren() do if v.Name == "TeleportSystem" then for _, v2 in next, v:GetChildren() do local posX = floor(v2.Position.X) local posY = floor(v2.Position.Y) local posZ = floor(v2.Position.Z) local pos = Vector3.new(posX, posY, posZ) if pos == entrance then makeTPbutton("Dungeon Entrance", v2) end if pos == boss then makeTPbutton("Boss Room", v2) end if pos == miniboss then makeTPbutton("Mini Boss", v2) end if pos == shop then -- floor 10 makeTPbutton("Shop", v2) end end end end end if placeid == 548231754 then -- floor 2 local dungeon_entrance = Vector3.new(-2185, 161, -2321) local boss = Vector3.new(-2943, 201, -9805) loop_workspace(dungeon_entrance, boss) end if placeid == 555980327 then -- floor 3 local dungeon_entrance = Vector3.new(1179, 6737, 1675) local boss = CFrame.new(448.331146, 4279.3374, -385.050385) makespecialtpbutton("Boss Room", boss) loop_workspace(dungeon_entrance) end if placeid == 572487908 then -- floor 4 local dungeon_entrance = Vector3.new(-1946, 5169, -1415) local boss = Vector3.new(-2319, 2280, -515) loop_workspace(dungeon_entrance, boss) end if placeid == 580239979 then -- floor 5 local dungeon_entrance = Vector3.new(-1562, 4040, -868) local boss = Vector3.new(2189, 1308, -122) loop_workspace(dungeon_entrance, boss) end if placeid == 548878321 then -- floor 8 local dungeon_entrance = Vector3.new(-6679, 7801, 10006) local boss = Vector3.new(1848, 4110, 7723) local miniboss = Vector3.new(-808, 3174, -941) loop_workspace(dungeon_entrance, boss, miniboss) end if placeid == 573267292 then -- floor 9 local dungeon_entrance = Vector3.new(878, 3452, -11139) local boss = Vector3.new(12241, 461, -3656) local miniboss_gargoyle = Vector3.new(-256, 3077, -4605) local miniboss_poly = Vector3.new(1973, 2986, -4487) loop_workspace(dungeon_entrance, boss, miniboss_gargoyle) loop_workspace(nil, nil, miniboss_poly) end if placeid == 2659143505 then -- floor 10 local miniboss = Vector3.new(-895, 467, 6505) local boss = Vector3.new(45, 1003, 25432) local dungeon_entrance = Vector3.new(-606, 697, 9989) local shop = Vector3.new(-252, 504, 6163) loop_workspace(dungeon_entrance, boss, miniboss, shop) end if placeid == 5287433115 then -- floor 11 local DaRaKa = CFrame.new(4846.48242, 1639.76953, 2090.85107) local duality_reaper = CFrame.new(5899.98291, 852.757568, -4255.58643) local neon_chest = CFrame.new(4834.57959, 2543.39868, 5274.56055) local sauraus = CFrame.new(5208.86279, 2349.82617, 5985.12402) makespecialtpbutton("Duality Reaper", duality_reaper) makespecialtpbutton("Da, Ra, Ka", DaRaKa) makespecialtpbutton("Neon Chest", neon_chest) makespecialtpbutton("Boss Room", sauraus) end end do local Character_tab = window:MakeTab({ Name = "Character", Icon = "", PremiumOnly = false }) local profiles = Rs.Profiles local animSettings = profiles[plr.Name].AnimSettings local animations = Rs.Database.Animations local ANIMATIONS = {} local blacklisted_animations = {"Spear", "Misc", "Daggers", "SwordShield", "Dagger"} for _, v in next, animations:GetChildren() do if not table.find(blacklisted_animations, v.Name) then table.insert(ANIMATIONS, v.Name) if not animSettings:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then local string_value = Instance.new("StringValue") string_value.Name = v.Name string_value.Value = "" string_value.Parent = animSettings end end end Character_tab:AddDropdown({ Name = "Weapon Animations", Default = settings.Animation, Options = ANIMATIONS, Callback = function(animation) settings.Weapon_Animation = animation end }) local combat = require(game_module.Services.Combat) local hook; hook = hookfunc(combat.CalculateCombatStyle, function(bool, ...) if bool ~= nil and not bool then return hook(bool, ...) end return settings.Weapon_Animation end) local invisibility = false local function goinvisible(new) if not invisibility then return end local old_root = new:WaitForChild("LowerTorso"):WaitForChild("Root") local new_root = old_root:Clone() new_root.Parent = old_root.Parent old_root:Destroy() end plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(goinvisible) Character_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Invisibility (Client Sided Character)", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) invisibility = bool goinvisible(char) end }) local Event = Rs.Event local infSprint; infSprint = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...) local ncm = getnamecallmethod() if settings.InfSprint and ncm == "FireServer" then if self == Event then local args = {...} if args[1] == "Actions" then if args[2][2] == "Step" then return end end end end return infSprint(self, ...) end) Character_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Infinite Jump", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) settings.InfJump = bool end }) UserInputS.InputBegan:Connect(function(key, processed) if processed then return end if not settings.InfJump then return end if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then pcall(function() -- dont know if this can error // dont want to find out humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping) end) end end) Character_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Infinite Sprint", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) settings.InfSprint = bool end }) local walkspeed = humanoid.WalkSpeed local game_ws = humanoid.WalkSpeed local index_WS; index_WS = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", function(self, i) if self == humanoid and i == "WalkSpeed" and not checkcaller() then return game_ws end return index_WS(self, i) end) local newindex_WS; newindex_WS = hookmetamethod(game, "__newindex", function(self, i, v) if self == humanoid and i == "WalkSpeed" and not checkcaller() then if settings.speed then v = walkspeed end game_ws = v end return newindex_WS(self, i, v) end) Character_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "WalkSpeed Toggle", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) settings.speed = bool if bool then humanoid.WalkSpeed = walkspeed else humanoid.WalkSpeed = game_ws end end }) Character_tab:AddSlider({ Name = "WalkSpeed", Min = 0, Max = 50, Default = walkspeed, Color = Color3.new(255, 255, 255), Increment = 1, ValueName = "Speed", Callback = function(speed) walkspeed = speed if settings.speed then humanoid.WalkSpeed = speed end end }) end do local Smithing = window:MakeTab({ Name = "Smithing", Icon = "", PremiumOnly = false }) local ui_module = game_module.Services.UI local dismantler_module = require(ui_module.Dismantle) local inv_utility = getupvalue(dismantler_module.Init, 4) local event = Rs.Event local inventory = Rs.Profiles[plr.Name].Inventory local function Dismantle_Rarity(rarity) for _, item in next, inventory:GetChildren() do local data = inv_utility.GetItemData(item) if data.rarity == rarity then for _, v2 in next, data do if v2 == "Weapon" or v2 == "Armor" then event:FireServer("Equipment", {"Dismantle", item}) break end end end end end local function create_confirm() local oldscreen = CoreGui:FindFirstChild("ScreenGui") local screen = oldscreen or Instance.new("ScreenGui", CoreGui) local popup = CoreGui.RobloxGui.PopupFrame local new = popup:Clone() local thread = coroutine.running() new.PopupAcceptButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() new:Destroy() coroutine.resume(thread, true) end) new.PopupDeclineButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() new:Destroy() coroutine.resume(thread, false) end) new.PopupText.Text = "Confirm Dismantle? (CANNOT BE UNDONE)" new.Parent = screen new.Visible = true return coroutine.yield() end local crystalForge_module = require(ui_module.CrystalForge) Smithing:AddButton({ Name = "Open Crystal Forge", Callback = function() crystalForge_module.Open() end }) local upgrade_module = require(ui_module.Upgrade) Smithing:AddButton({ Name = "Open Upgrader", Callback = function() upgrade_module.Open() end }) Smithing:AddButton({ Name = "Open Dismantler", Callback = function() dismantler_module.Open() end }) Smithing:AddButton({ Name = "Dismantle All Commons", Callback = function() local confirm = create_confirm() if confirm then Dismantle_Rarity("Common") end end }) Smithing:AddButton({ Name = "Dismantle All Uncommons", Callback = function() local confirm = create_confirm() if confirm then Dismantle_Rarity("Uncommon") end end }) Smithing:AddButton({ Name = "Dismantle All Rares", Callback = function() local confirm = create_confirm() if confirm then Dismantle_Rarity("Rare") end end }) Smithing:AddButton({ Name = "Dismantle All Legendaries", Callback = function() local confirm = create_confirm() if confirm then Dismantle_Rarity("Legendary") end end }) end do local Stats = window:MakeTab({ Name = "Session Stats", Icon = "", PremiumOnly = false }) local time_label = Stats:AddLabel("Elapsed Time") coroutine.wrap(function() local floor = math.floor while true do task.wait(1) -- this is the last time i rewrite this local seconds = time() local minutes = seconds / 60 seconds = floor(seconds - (60 * minutes)) local hours = minutes / 60 minutes = floor(minutes - (60 * hours)) local days = hours / 24 hours = floor(hours - (24 * days)) local o1 = days == 1 and "Day" or "Days" local o2 = hours == 1 and "Hour" or "Hours" local o3 = minutes == 1 and "Minute" or "Minutes" local o4 = seconds == 1 and "Second" or "Seconds" local displayed = ("%s %s | %s %s | %s %s | %s %s"):format(days, o1, hours, o2, minutes, o3, seconds, o4) -- wtf time_label:Set("Time Elapsed: " .. displayed) end end)() end do local function removeEffects(func_name) for _, v in next, getgc(true) do local old = typeof(v) == "table" and rawget(v, func_name) if old then v[func_name] = function(...) if func_name == "Damage Text" then if settings.RemoveDamageNumbers then return end elseif func_name == "DeathExplosion" then if settings.RemoveDeathEffects then return end end return old(...) end end end end removeEffects("Damage Text") -- remove X variables are still false, does nothing until toggled removeEffects("DeathExplosion") local Performance_tab = window:MakeTab({ Name = "Perf Boosters", Icon = "", PremiumOnly = false }) local hiteffects = workspace:FindFirstChild("HitEffects") Performance_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Remove Hit Effects", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) hiteffects = hiteffects or workspace:FindFirstChild("HitEffects") if not hiteffects then return end if bool then hiteffects.Parent = nil else hiteffects.Parent = workspace end end }) Performance_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Remove Damage Numbers", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) settings.RemoveDamageNumbers = bool end }) Performance_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Remove Death Effects", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) settings.RemoveDeathEffects = bool end }) local tomute = false local sound_names = {"SwordHit", "Unsheath", "SwordSlash"} local sounds = {} for _, v in next, workspace:GetDescendants() do if table.find(sound_names, v.Name) then sounds[v] = v end end local function muteswings(descendant) if table.find(sound_names, descendant.Name) then sounds[descendant] = descendant descendant.Volume = tomute and 0 or .3 end end workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(muteswings) workspace.DescendantRemoving:Connect(function(descendant) sounds[descendant] = nil end) Performance_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Mute Swing Sounds", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) tomute = bool for _, v in next, sounds do v.Volume = tomute and 0 or .3 end end }) end do local Misc_tab = window:MakeTab({ Name = "Misc", Icon = "", PremiumOnly = false }) local players_names = {} for _, v in next, Players:GetPlayers() do table.insert(players_names, v.Name) end local inventory = require(game_module.Services.UI.Inventory) local inventory_viewer = Misc_tab:AddDropdown({ Name = "Inventory Viewer (Open Inventory)", Default = plr.Name, Options = players_names, Callback = function(player) setupvalue(inventory.GetInventoryData, 1, Rs.Profiles[player]) -- trick the game into getting the inventory data of the selected player instead of your own data end }) local function refresh_inventoryViewer_list(dp) local players_instances = Players:GetPlayers() local players_names = {} for _, v in next, players_instances do table.insert(players_names, v.Name) end dp:Refresh(players_names, true) end Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) repeat task.wait() until Rs.Profiles:FindFirstChild(player.Name) ~= nil refresh_inventoryViewer_list(inventory_viewer) end) Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function() refresh_inventoryViewer_list(inventory_viewer) end) local fps = getfpscap and getfpscap() or 60 Misc_tab:AddSlider({ Name = "Set FPS Cap (Requires executor FPS unlocker on)", Min = 0, Max = 500, Default = fps, -- synapse does not have getfpscap (bad0) Color = Color3.new(255, 255, 255), Increment = 1, ValueName = "FPS", Callback = function(v) setfpscap(v) end }) Misc_tab:AddToggle({ Name = "Infinite Zoom Distance", Default = false, Callback = function(bool) if bool then plr.CameraMaxZoomDistance = math.huge else plr.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 15 end end }) Misc_tab:AddBind({ Name = "GUI Keybind", Default = Enum.KeyCode.RightShift, Hold = false, Callback = function() orion.Enabled = not orion.Enabled end }) end do local updates = window:MakeTab({ Name = "Updates", Icon = "", PremiumOnly = false }) updates:AddParagraph("8/9/22", "Added Autofarm Radius Slider") updates:AddParagraph("8/9/22", "further improved teleports on f11") updates:AddParagraph("8/4/22", "Fixed auto equip & auto dismantle") updates:AddParagraph("8/4/22", "session time shows the correct time now") updates:AddParagraph("8/4/22", "Added support for more exploits") updates:AddParagraph("8/3/22", "Added teleport support for floor 11 dungeon") updates:AddParagraph("8/2/22", "Added KillAura Keybind") updates:AddParagraph("7/30/22", "Added Infinite Jump (avoid game making u fall through map on teleport)") updates:AddParagraph("7/29/22", "Added Killaura & Autofarm support for floor 11 dungeon") updates:AddParagraph("7/9/22", "removed esp (crashes)") updates:AddParagraph("7/8/22", "Attack animation now plays after death") updates:AddParagraph("7/7/22", "Fixed ESP crash (i think)?") updates:AddParagraph("7/7/22", "Added player ESP (mob soon)") updates:AddParagraph("7/3/22", "killaura animations works for players now") updates:AddParagraph("7/3/22", "Killaura now looks 'legit' (plays attack animation)") updates:AddParagraph("7/3/22", "Mute Swings now mutes others swings") updates:AddParagraph("7/3/22", "Added Auto Dismantle") updates:AddParagraph("7/2/22", "Added Mob Exclusion to Autofarm") updates:AddParagraph("7/2/22", "Killaura now supports chests (mostly useless (lol))") updates:AddParagraph("7/1/22", "Added Auto Equip Best Weapon") updates:AddParagraph("7/1/22", "Added Tween Speed") updates:AddParagraph("7/1/22", "Added Performance Boosters") updates:AddParagraph("6/28/22", "Killaura now works for baal & grim") updates:AddParagraph("6/27/22", "Moved dismantle confirm to an external popup box") updates:AddParagraph("6/15/22", "Added Upgrade Equipped Weapons (armors later)") updates:AddParagraph("6/15/22", "Added a confirm to dismantle all (there is a bug when u dismantle an equipped item)") updates:AddParagraph("6/15/22", "Added dismantle all of a certain rarity") updates:AddParagraph("6/13/22", "Included Crystal Forge to the smithing tab") updates:AddParagraph("6/13/22", "Fixed farm only bosses making your velocity 0") updates:AddParagraph("6/13/22", "Fixed farm only bosses not working") updates:AddParagraph("6/13/22", "Fixed A bug where changing Y offset would activate autofarm") updates:AddParagraph("6/13/22", "Skills Now Work with Animations") updates:AddParagraph("6/13/22", "Fixed Attack Players not toggling off") updates:AddParagraph("6/13/22", "Removed a Useless Animation Feature") updates:AddParagraph("6/12/22", "Made Autofarm Tweening Smooth") updates:AddParagraph("6/12/22", "Fixed an Autofarm Bug (Teleport after death)") updates:AddParagraph("6/5/22", "Made All Floors show actual TP locations") updates:AddParagraph("6/4/22", "Made Some Floors show actual TP locations (wip)") updates:AddParagraph("6/3/22", "Autofarm Added (improving)") updates:AddParagraph("6/2/22", "M1s are stopped when Kill Aura is enabled") end do local credits = window:MakeTab({ Name = "Credits", Icon = "", PremiumOnly = false }) credits:AddParagraph("Credits", "Made by OneTaPuXd on v3rm | PM Bugs") if setclipboard then credits:AddButton({ Name = "Copy v3rm url to clipboard", Callback = function() setclipboard("https://v3rmillion.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=1229592") end }) credits:AddButton({ Name = "copy v3rm thread to clipboard", Callback = function() setclipboard("https://v3rmillion.net/showthread.php?tid=1172798") end }) else credits:AddParagraph("v3rm url", "https://v3rmillion.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=1229592") end local http = game:GetService("HttpService") local request = (syn and syn.request) or (fluxus and fluxus.request) or request credits:AddButton({ Name = "Discord Server (Auto Prompt) join code: eWGZ8rYpxR", Callback = function() if typeof(request) ~= "function" then return end request({ Url = "", Method = "POST", Headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json", ["Origin"] = "https://discord.com" }, Body = http:JSONEncode({ cmd = "INVITE_BROWSER", args = { code = "eWGZ8rYpxR" }, nonce = http:GenerateGUID() }) }) end }) end lib:Init()